Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
Our worship services, events, teachings and praise music
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restorechurchnetwork.com site
As the moral decline of Western civilization advances, more reliance on a back-to-the-future way of being church and reaching unsaved people with the gospel is needed.
Thus, the Restore Church Network of microchurches (house churches as found in the New Testament) is mobilizing to plant 85 churches in three years (2025-27) and preach the gospel to 20,000 lost people in five total US and UK cities.
As a part of this new endeavor, RCN will be adding to our substance abuse and addiction focus four areas where the evil one is attacking Western civilization with high degrees of success, destroying people through the destruction of families, lies about human sexuality and marriage, the stealing of children by explicit sexual messaging and sexual abuse, and the murder of unborn babies.
We are seeking support (prayer, in-kind and financial) and Bible-believing churches and non-profits as partners for the expansion.
+1 317.377.4847